15th Asia-Pacific
Conference on Combustion

Build a zero-carbon and sustainable future

18 -22 May 2025

Countdown: day

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ASPACC Paper Submission

Please review the following guidelines and submission tracks to ensure your contributions align with conference requirements.


Submission Tracks:

Full Papers:

  • 4-Page Papers: Suitable for oral presentation consideration at ASPACC only.
  • 8-Page Papers: Adheres to the PROCI format. Accepted papers may be revised for potential publication in the PROCI issues.

Work-in-Progress Posters (WiPP): Submit a short abstract for poster presentation consideration.


How to Submit

Step 1: Visit the submission portal.

Step 2: Log in or create an account if you do not have one.

Step 3: Follow the on-screen instructions to select your submission track and upload your documents.

Click Create new submission, then choose your preferred submission track:
1. 4-Page Paper
2. 8-Page Paper
3. WiPP Abstract

Please ensure that your submission complies with the format requirements detailed on the Call for Papers page.

The portal is  currently opened for WiPP submissions and will be closed on 28 February 2025.